Sunday, July 4, 2010


I have tons more to post but will have to continue another time.

The big day!

Ok so I forgot the camera for the wedding dinner the night before the wedding, so here is a picture I took of them with my Phone. We got to sit at the same table as the bride and groom!
And now the day we have all been waiting for...The day that Shaun got married! Whoo Hoo! It was such an eventful day! Shaun married the perfect girl so I have no doubt in my mind that the Lord had planned on putting Shaun and Brittney together all along!

This is a picture of Shaun, Brittney and her Grandpa (who is also the one who Married them)

Such a cute picture!

I think Brittney was grabbing Shaun's bum in this picture.

After the wedding we all headed over to my parents house for an open house. Here's a picture of two monkey's eating banana's.

The Bride and Groom

Here we say goodbye to the lovebirds as they leave for their mini honeymoon
It was hard to see with those tinted windows but they were waving goodbye to us.
And to end this post, here is such a cute picture of Danielle and Hudson sleeping together

Productive day!

So our weeds had gotten way out of control so I had to pick them. I had sprayed some of them, but some were beyond spraying and needed to be picked. I took pictures of the ones I absolutely had to pick because they were like trees! Here I am holding one of them.And here you can see how big it is compared to our front door.
I also decided to wash my car. So I thought I'd take before and after pictures to show how well I did plus you can see how different my car looks when it's clean. This is before...And after...See how it sparkles!

Mark left on his mission

Well, Mark left on his mission on May 19th 2010 to the MTC. He will be serving in the Riverside, California mission ASL (American Sign Language) speaking. He is the last of my 6 brothers to leave on his mission. Here are a few pictures of us waiting to say goodbye. If I remember right I had to wake up at like 3:00am. He had a very early flight that morning. Here is Candice looking cute as ever even at 4 in the morning.

Brandon and Brein
Jared and Jaxon
Mark and I (He is sooo tall)Here's my mom signing to him
And He' off...Here he is going through security

Shawn, Mark's and Jaxon's Birthday celebration!

So I've got a TON to post! I will start out with the oldest thing. We celebrated Shawn and Mark's birthday around the middle of May. Here is a cute picture of Jaxon
Mark left on him mission just a few days after his birthday celebration, so of course he got all mission stuff.
Here is Shawn opening a few of his gifts. Afterwards a few of us went to Native New Yorker to eat. I took a couple of really cute pics of Brandon and Brein.