Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Birthday/4th of july

Okay, so my birthday is in June but that's how far behind I am on updating our blog since we didn't have a computer that worked properly! But thanks to Scott and Andrea, we now have a computer and I can finally keep our blog updated. They gave us their old computer and it works great! Thanks so much Scott and and Andrea!!!

We started a new tradition on my side of the family last year or the year before. Every year for the 4th of July we drive up to Payson to see the fireworks. The weather is soooo much cooler. While we were there we went to a park and celebrated my birthday and ate food. This year we invited Candices family to come with us. So Candices mom, Kerri, came along with Candices sister Chelsea and her husband Greg and their two kids, Abby and Maggie. So I got a few new cute shirts!

Here is the newest addition to our family, Jaxon! My parents first grandbaby. Isn't he such a cutie? Jared and Candice did good! =)
Here we all are waiting for the fireworks. Here I am, the dork with the glow bracelet thingy.
This is with the flash on...
And with the flash off

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! That is a GREAT idea to go away for the 4th of July where it's much cooler! Smart thinking! Maybe one of these years all us Thompson's will have to come with you guys! I like your glow bracelet.