Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Brach's Conversation Hearts

What is Valentines Day without conversation hearts? I look forward to buying Brach's conversation hearts every Valentines. And yes it has to be BRACH'S! Well this year they have been impossible for me to find. I went to Walmart first, then CVS, then Fry's Food. The next day I called Walgreens and they didn't have then either. Well, I just have to have my Brach's Conversation Hearts! So there is only one more 'big' store in Maricopa that I hadn't chekced yet, and that was Bashas. So I went into Bashas and right when I walk in what do I see? Bags and bags of Brach's Converstaion Hearts large and small. I was so excited! I bought 3 bags of of the small hearts and one bag of the large. They were only $1.00 also! Now I hope Bashas continues to have them every year because they are my all time favorite Valentine candy.

1 comment:

Bobs said...

I noticed the same thing today when I went to Walmart and the dollor store. I settled for the brand at walmart. They are so not the same!!! Now I'll have to go to Bashas! Thanks!